Monday, March 16, 2009

Been way to long!

We never did get the results from the doctor about Fred's bloodwork. We figured that even if any of the results were positive we would be headed for Mexico anyway. Since the last posting Fred had his ACL repaired. We also moved! My stress levels were running high. What was really cool, I didn't break down and get sick! Oh sure, I got really tired from the physical aspects of moving, but not like it would have been had it been a year ago. It was tough to try and take care of Fred while he was recovering from his surgery and pack a home all at the same time!! I did it, I tell you!! It felt good to have a little of my old zing back. I'm noticing over time that I am feeling and getting better from the treatment I'm on. It has been 5 months now that I have been on it and in given time I am looking forward to even more improvement with my fight against Lupus!